Friday, May 30, 2008

Radiohead - The Best Of (2008) 2CD Limited Edition

Cd 1:

1. Just
2. Paranoid Android
3. Karma Police
4. Creep
5. No Surprise
6. High And Dry
7. My Iron Lung
8. There There
9. Lucky
10. Optimistic
11. Fake Plastic Tree
12. Idioteque
13. 2+2 = 5
14. The Bends
15. Pyramid Song
16. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
17. Everything In Its Right Place
18. Exit Music for a film
19. Electioneering
20. Creep (Acoustic)
File-Size: 100 Mb + 22,22 MB
-------->Download Part1<---------
-------->Download Part2<---------

Cd 2:

1. Airbag
2. I Might Be Wrong
3. Go To Sleep
4. Let Down
5. Planet Telex
6. Exit Music (For A Film)
7. The National Anthem
8. Knives Out
9. Talk Show Host
10. You
11. Anyone Can Play Guitar
12. How To Disappear Completely
13. True Love Waits
14. Climbing up the walls
15. The tourist
16. Talk show host
17. Subterrean homesick alien
18. Street Spirit
19. High And Dry
20. Fitter happier
File-Size: 100 Mb + 19,13 MB

-------->Download Part1<---------
-------->Download Part2<---------

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