Genre: Ethno/World/Arabic Traditional
Year: 2007
Label: Pyramedia
Number of Compositions: 9
Quality: MP3 @192kbps
Size: 89mb
In the Arab world today, instruments include an important category whose domain is mostly the urban communities and whose popularity tends to transcend national and geographical barriers. In Egypt, before World War I, these instruments constituted a traditional ensemble known by the name takht, literally “platform.”
The “Takht” ensemble, comprising Oud, Qanun, Nay, Kamanga, Riqq and Kamanjah, plays pure classical music, often referred to as “Tarab”, or enchantment. Music in this category is either purely instrumental, or encompasses the art song. It is a small traditional ensemble of acoustic instruments of complementary timbres, each of which enriches the monophonic texture of the composed music with their own idiosyncratic trills, runs, and slides.
Musical instruments of the Arab world reflect the unity and diversity within the music itself. Certain types of instruments, including end-blown reed flutes, double-reeds, single-reeds, fiddles, plucked lutes and frame drums predominate. Yet, in each area, there may be a preference for particular instruments or instrument types. Moreover, details of construction and playing techniques are affected by local intonation and sound ideals, availability of construction materials, external musical influences, and the functions assigned to each instrument.
In the Arab world today, instruments include an important category whose domain is mostly the urban communities and whose popularity tends to transcend national and geographical barriers. In Egypt, before World War I, these instruments constituted a traditional ensemble known by the name takht, literally “platform.”
The “Takht” ensemble, comprising Oud, Qanun, Nay, Kamanga, Riqq and Kamanjah, plays pure classical music, often referred to as “Tarab”, or enchantment. Music in this category is either purely instrumental, or encompasses the art song. It is a small traditional ensemble of acoustic instruments of complementary timbres, each of which enriches the monophonic texture of the composed music with their own idiosyncratic trills, runs, and slides.
01. Amana Alik Ya Lil Tawel
02. Talat Salamat
03. Ya Msafer Whdak
04. Habibi We Anayia
05. Mbisaalesh Alyia Abdan
06. Tamaly Fi Alby
07. Mal Elkamar Malo
08. Mdnak Gafaho
09. Gana Elhawa Gana
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Arabian Traditional Takhat Ensemble (2007)
Diposkan oleh
9:24 AM
Label: New Age, World Music
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Alena - Seindah Diriku [2008]
01. Seindah Diriku (Feat. The Saba)
02. Lavender
03. Perbedaan]
04. Tanpa Air Mata
05. Maaf
06. Awan Putih
07. Hati Yang Bicara
08. Cinta Menepi
09. Yi Xuan Le Ta
10. Berbagi Cinta
11. Terlanjur Memilih Dia
12. Love To Last My Life
Diposkan oleh
11:40 PM
Label: Indonesian Music, Pop
Foo Fighters - The Missing Pieces (2008)
01. Walking A Line (3:55)
02. Life Of Illusion (3:40)
03. Danny Says (2:58)
04. Drive Me Wild (3:22)
05. Born On The Bayou (3:20)
06. Iron And Stone (2:55)
07. Goodbye Lament (with Tommy Iommi) (4:52)
08. I’m In Love With A German Film Star (4:21)
09. Up In Arms (Acoustic) (3:13)
10. A320 (5:45)
11. Dear Lover (4:34)
12. Ozone (4:18)
13. Have A Cigar (3:57)
14. How I Miss You (4:53)
15. Marigold (2:33)
Diposkan oleh
1:03 PM
Label: Rock
Ost. Batman:The Dark Knight (2008)[iTunes]
1. Why So Serious?
2. I'm Not A Hero
3. Harvey Two-Face
4. Aggressive Expansion
5. Always A Catch
6. Blood On My Hands
7. A Little Push
8. Like A Dog Chasing Cars
9. I Am The Batman
10. And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad
11. Agent Of Chaos
12. Introduce A Little Anarchy
13. Watch The World Burn
14. A Dark Knight
Diposkan oleh
11:30 AM
1 komentar
Label: Soundtrack
Monday, July 28, 2008
Merlin's Magic - Elements Of Rejuvenation (2000)
01 - Qi Gong Meditation, Pt. 1 (Attunement) [Directing the Qi]
02 - Heavenly Qi (The Swan) [For a Happy, Long Life ]
03 - Heaven and Earth (Dancing Wu Li) [Filling Yourself with Universal Qi ]
04 - At the Center of the Dragon [Strengthening Sexual Energy ]
05 - Elements of Rejuvenation [Rejuvenating the Body and Mind ]
06 - Transformation (Fire) [Spreading Peace and Harmony ]
07 - Devotion (Earth) [Strengthening the Power of Resistance ]
08 - Cheerfulness (Metal) [Releasing Negative Energies ]
09 - Mysteriousness (Water) [Empowering the Soul ]
10 - Gentle Impulse (Wood) [Increasing Flexibility ]
11 - Qi Gong Mediation, Pt. 2 (Tao) [In Touch with the Loving Power of the U]
Diposkan oleh
6:11 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Prisa - Self Titled[2008]
01. Bunuh Saja
02. Senyawa Kisah
03. Muka Dua
04. Kesalahan Terbesar
05. Harusnya Aku
06. Rahasiaku
07. I’ll Always Love You Forever
08. Penjara Cinta
09. Maafkan Saya Sus…
10. Padahal Ku Selalu Ada
Diposkan oleh
9:18 AM
1 komentar
Label: Indonesian Music, Pop
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Alpha Relaxation System, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, DC, BFA's pioneering work with thousands of patients and volunteers has led to groundbreaking discoveries in how sound frequency patterns built into musical soundtracks induce brainwave entrainment. With the Alpha Relaxation System, pulses of sound that activate Alpha brainwave patterns are embedded in the musical soundtrack, leading you to healthful and enjoyable states of relaxation.
* Based on over 20 years of pioneering clinical research.
* Experience beautiful and soothing musical compositions and 3-D sounds of nature.
* Easy to use with headphones or ordinary speakers.
* Contains no spoken words or subliminal messages.
Included in the system are two programs:
* Deep Relaxation--Enjoy states of deep relaxation and meditation.
* Active Relaxation--Listen to this program in the background while working, studying, or doing any activity to produce a lighter Alpha state.
Diposkan oleh
1:31 AM
Label: Music for Relaxation
Echoes of Nature : Electrifying Thunderstorms
Diposkan oleh
12:27 AM
Label: Music for Relaxation
Friday, July 25, 2008
Traditional Music from Egypt
| MP3 192 kbps | Incl.covers | 70 MB |
Track Listing
[01]. 01. Zouroni
[02]. Anta Oumri
[03]. Allallah Teoud
[04]. Kalthoum
[05]. Ya Zahra Fee Khayalee
[06]. Ya Habaybi Ya Ghaybint
[07]. Fakarouni
[08]. Dokou El Mazaher
[09]. Ah Ya Zen
[10]. Kom Ombo
Diposkan oleh
7:43 AM
Label: New Age, World Music
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tielman Brothers - The Best Of 1991 [320Kbps]
Mungkin, byk diantara kita yg gatau/bahkan ga pernah dengar lagu2 dr mereka...Tp kita patut berbangga sama mereka. Knp?
oke, berikut sdikit cerita ttg mereka..;)
The Tielman Brothers adalah sebuah grup musik asal Maluku[1], Indonesia. Musik mereka beraliran rock and roll, namun orang-orang di Belanda biasa menyebut musik yang mereka usung beraliran Indorock. The Tielman Brothers pernah tampil di Istana Negara Jakarta dihadapan Presiden Soekarno.[2]
Karir rekaman mereka dimulai ketika keluarga Tielman pada tahun 1957 hijrah dan menetap di Breda, Belanda. Nama The Tielman Brothers lebih dikenal di Eropa, terutama Belanda. Di Indonesia sendiri, nama The Tielman Brothers masih menjadi nama yang asing, sebuah kenyataan yang sangat disayangkan.
The Tielman Brothers dipercaya lebih dulu memperkenalkan musik beraliran rock sebelum The Beatles. Aksi panggung mereka dikenal selalu atraktif dan menghibur. Mereka tampil sambil melompat-lompat, berguling-guling, serta menampilkan permainan gitar, bass, dan drum yang menawan. [B]Andy Tielman[/B], sang frontman, bahkan dipercaya telah mempopulerkan atraksi bermain gitar dengan gigi, dibelakang kepala atau dibelakang badan jauh sebelum Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page atau Ritchie Blackmore .[3]
01 My Maria
02 Mona Lisa
03 Andy's Boogie
04 Only You
05 Tennessee Waltz
06 Harry Lime Theme
07 It's Only Make Believe
08 Blue Bayou
09 Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes
10 The Carioca
11 I'll Be Home
12 At The Hop
13 Sari Nandé
14 I'm Yours
Diposkan oleh
9:39 AM
Label: Pop
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Master of Chinese Traditional Music: Dizi|Yu Xunfa - Di Flute Performer
| MP3 320 kbps | Incl. Covers | 145 MB |
01. A Visit To Suzhou
02. Lake View on a Moonlit Autumn Night
03. A Sprig of Plum Blossom
04. A Joyful Reunion
05. Six Clappers In Zhong Hua
06. Delivering Public Grain with Horse Carts
07. Autumn Yearning At the Dressing Table
08. Charm of Mount Langya
09. Reaping Crops
10. Confluence
Diposkan oleh
1:25 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
V.A Arabia: The Women's Voice
Track Listings :
1. Najwa Karam - Ariftu Albi Lamin
2. Nawal Al Zoughbi - Maloom
3. Dania - Ya Glebey
4. Howayda - Nari
5. Madonna - Habibi Tal Alyea
6. Latifa Wadeh - Kerihtak
7. Julia Boutros - Hejar El Mensiyen
8. Warda - Batwans Beek
9. Nagat - Ana Bashak El Bahr
10. Fairuz - Sakana Al Leyel
11. Oum Kalthoum - Matrawak Dammak
Diposkan oleh
3:03 PM
1 komentar
Label: New Age, World Music
Richard. Clayderman - The best of Cassical
01 - Piano concerto no.1 in B-flat Minor op23
02 - Elvira madigan Piano concerto no.21 C Major
03 - Cornish Rhapsody
04 - Liebestraum (reve d'amour)
05 - La Pathetique
06 - Fur Elise
07 - Arabesque
08 - Badinerie
09 - Claire de lune
10 - Piano concerto in A minor
11 - Nocturne in E-Flat Major op9 no.2
12 - 18th Variation
Diposkan oleh
12:12 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Monday, July 21, 2008
Richard Clayderman - Piano (The Best of)
01 Dust in the wind
02 Hello
03 Do you know where you gonig to
04 Puppy love
05 Fall in love
06 How can you mend a broken heart
07 Tennessee waltz
08 Feelings
09 Woman in love
10 Beacuse I love you
11 How Can I Tell Her
12 Let it be me
13 Best thing that ever happened
14 I honestly love you
15 All by myself
Diposkan oleh
11:57 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Richard Clayderman - The Golden Collection
01 - Dolannes Melodie.mp3
02 - Liebestraum.mp3
03 - Plaisir D'Amour.mp3
04 - Ballade For Adeline.mp3
05 - Moon River.mp3
06 - Tristesse.mp3
07 - For Elise.mp3
08 - Ave Maria.mp3
09 - Moonlight Sonate.mp3
10 - Love Story.mp3
11 - Careless Whisper.mp3
12 - Strangers In The Night.mp3
13 - Romeo & Juliet.mp3
14 - Serenade.mp3
15 - Sonate Au Clair De Lune.mp3
16 - Yesterday.mp3
17 - Rhapsody In Blue.mp3
18 - La Vie En Rose.mp3
19 - We Are The World.mp3
20 - Eleana.mp3
21 - Arrivederchi Roma.mp3
22 - Guantanamera.mp3
23 - Four Seasons (Medlay).mp3
24 - Largo.mp3
Diposkan oleh
10:41 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Richard Clayderman - SoundBoard Edition
01 - Richard Clayderman - Ballade Pour Adeline
02 - Richard Clayderman - Yesterday
03 - Richard Clayderman - Nikita
04 - Richard Clayderman - Rhapsody in Blue
05 - Richard Clayderman - Theme from - Love Story
06 - Richard Clayderman - Piano Concerto No 1 in B Flat Minor
07 - Richard Clayderman - Medley of Four Seasons
08 - Richard Clayderman - Evergreen
09 - Richard Clayderman - Tara's Theme
10 - Richard Clayderman - Exodus
11 - Richard Clayderman - Moonlight Sonata
12 - Richard Clayderman - West Side Story Medley - Maria - Tonight - America
13 - Richard Clayderman - Elvira Madigan
14 - Richard Clayderman - Liebestraum
15 - Richard Clayderman - Lady in Red - Take My Breath Away
16 - Richard Clayderman - Do You Know
17 - Richard Clayderman - Sentimental Medley
18 - Richard Clayderman - The Phantom of the Opera
19 - Richard Clayderman - Don't Cry for Me Argentina
20 - Richard Clayderman - Memory
Part 1
Part 2
Diposkan oleh
10:13 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Richard Clayderman - A Little Night Music
01|I Just Called To Say I Love You
02|I'm Not In Love
04|For All We Know We've Only Just Begun
05|Without You
06|Nights In White Satin
07|Careless Whisper
08|The Power Of Love
09|A Whiter Shade Of Pale
10|Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You
11|Just The Way You Are
12|Princess Of The Night
Diposkan oleh
9:55 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Richard Clayderman - The Best of Carpenters
01 - We'Ve Only Just Begun
02 - Yesterday Once More
03 - Only Yesterday
04 - Rainy Days And Mondays
05 - (They Long To Be) Close To You
06 - There'S A Kind Of Hush (All Over Thge World)
07 - Top Of The World
08 - For All We Know
09 - I Won'T Last A Day Without You
10 - Solitaire
11 - Sing
12 - Please Mr. Postman
Diposkan oleh
3:19 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Richard Clayderman - The Best of Love Songs
01 - When a Man Loves a Women
02 - Careless Whisper
03 - Every Time You Go Way
04 - Hello
05 - I Want to Know What loves is
06 - Save The Best For Last
07 - Woman in Love
08 - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
09 - Just The Way You Are
10 - Sailing
11 - Stardust
12 - Yesterday
Diposkan oleh
10:56 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Richard Clayderman & James Last - Golden Hearts
1|Il Y A Toujours Du Soleil Au-dessus Des Nuages
2|Le Bonheur D'aimer
4|Les Roses De L'exil
5|Quand Ma Mere Chantait
7|Le Pas Des Hommes Libres
8|La Force De L'amour
9|Les Mers Mortes
10|Fleur De Feu
11|Cæurs D'or
12|Les Oiseaux De La Mer Et Du Soleil
Diposkan oleh
9:39 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
1999 - Richard Clayderman
01 - Music Box Dancer
02 - Lettre a Ma Mere
03 - Lyphard Melodie
04 - Souvenires d'Enfance
05 - Eleana
06 - Ballade Pour Adeline
07 - Triste Coeur
08 - Concerto Pour une Jeune Fille Nomme 'Je T'Aime'
09 - missing track
10 - Un Blanc Jour d'Un Chaton (Im Prater Bluehn Wider Die Baeume)
11 - Serenade de l'Etoile (Coup de Coeur)
12 - Lady Di
13 - A Comme Amour
Link in comment
Diposkan oleh
9:33 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Metamusic-Music for Meditation
Metamusic - Winds Over The_World
Metamusic - Third Eye Meditation
Metamusic - Soft Instrumental - Quietness Music For Meditation
Metamusic - Quantum Healing
Metamusic - J.S Epperson - Concentration With Slow Beta Beats
Diposkan oleh
9:00 AM
Label: Music for Relaxation
Mozart in Egypt 2
Mozart in Egypt, devised by Hughes de Courson, was at its release in 1997, considered in the musical spheres world-wide as a true musical phenomenon and acted as meteorite. Indeed the musical encounter which brought together Mozart and Egypt together was unexpected and explosive! The much awaited Mozart in Egypt 2 features more than 200 musicians & singers, bringing together peoples from Europe and the Middle-East. 15 tracks. Virgin Classics. 2005.
1. Al Bedaya
2. Mozart In Egypt
3. Al Sahm Al Taeh
4. Alatul Concerto For Kaval & Flute
5. Al Sahara
6. Al Maghfera
7. Ninna Nam
8. Al Raqs
9. Ya Shady Symphony
10. Alexandria Quintet
11. The Queen Of The 1,001 Nights
12. Egyptian March
13. Layla Misariya
14. The Quarrel In The Seraglio
15. Nubian Prayer (Mawal)
Diposkan oleh
8:45 AM
Label: Instrumental, World Music
Saturday, July 19, 2008
After the Rain...The Soft Sounds of Erik Satie
1. Gymnopedie No.1
2. Gymnopedie No.2
3. Gymnopedie No.3
4. Gnossienne No.1
5. Gnossienne No.2
6. Gnossienne No.3
7. Gnossienne No.4
8. Gnossienne No.5
9. Gnossienne No.6
10. Nocturne I
11. Nocturne II
12. Nocturne III
13. Nocturne IV
14. Nocturne V
15. Avant-Dernieres Pensées: I. Idylle, A Debussy/II. Aubade, A Paul Dukas/III. Meditation, A Albert...
16. Pieces Froides-Trois Airs A Fuir
17. Pieces Froides-Trois Danses De Travers
18. Deux Reveries Nocturnes
19. Prélude De la Porte Héroïque Du Ciel - Pascal Roge P
Diposkan oleh
12:47 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Mozart Effect Volume 1 - Strengthen the Mind
1. Allegro From The Violin Concerto #3 In G Major
2. Allegro From The Piano Concerto #1 In D Major
3. Rondo-Allegretto Grazioso From The Sonata In F Major
4. Rondo - Allegretto From Ein Kleine Nachtmusik
5. Andante Grazioso From The Lodron Night Music #1
6. Molto Allegro From Symphony #14 In A Major
7. Presto From The Divertimento In D Major
8. Allegro From The Violin Concerto #4 In D Major
9. Church Sonata In C Major
Diposkan oleh
12:05 PM
Label: Instrumental
FENG SHUI music for balanced living
1. Metal
2. Wood
3. Water
4. Fire
5. Earth
6. Wind
7. Chi
8. Yin and Yang
Diposkan oleh
11:18 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Mozart in Egypt
1. Mozart l'Egyptien: Ikhtitaf fi Assaraya (L'Enlèvement au sérail)
2. Mozart l'Egyptien: Double Quatuor en fa K.496 pour clarinette, violon, alto, violoncelle, arghul, rababa, Kawala, tabla, Doff et sagat
3. Mozart l'Egyptien: Lamma bada yatathenna/Symphonie No.40
4. Mozart l'Egyptien: Mahdiyat (Berceuses)
5. Mozart l'Egyptien: Concerto pour oud et piano no.23
6. Mozart l'Egyptien: Hamilu lhawa tahibou/Aria de Papageno no.20
7. Mozart l'Egyptien: Yaman hawa/Thamos roi d'egypte
8. Mozart l'Egyptien: Mawwall
9. Mozart l'Egyptien: Double Quatuor en mi bemol K.374 pour clarinette, violon, alto, violoncelle, arghul, rababa, Kawala, tabla, Doff et sagat
10. Mozart l'Egyptien: Ouazat al kahira (L'oie du caire)
11. Mozart l'Egyptien: Symphonie Egyptienne no.25
12. Mozart l'Egyptien: Dhikr/Requiem/Golgotha
Diposkan oleh
2:20 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Nine Inch Nails
1. Hurt
2. Closer
3. Piggy
4. The hand that feeds
5. Sin
6. The Fragile
7. Head like a hole
8. Wish
9. La mer
10. Something I can never have
Diposkan oleh
4:03 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Led Zeppelin
1. Stairway to Heaven
2. Over the Hills and Far Away
3. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You
4. Thank You
5. D'Yer Mak'er
6. Ten Years Gone
7. Kashmir
8. Dazed and Confused
9. Going to California
10. No Quarter
11. The Rain Song
Diposkan oleh
3:24 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Rockabye Baby: Lullaby Renditions of Tool
1. The Grudge
2. Sober
3. Opiate
4. Reflection
5. Schism
6. Parabol
7. Parabola
8. Sweat
9. Disposition
10. Lateralus
11. The Patient
Diposkan oleh
8:33 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Radiohead
1. No Surprises
2. Let Down
3. Suterranean Homesick Alien
4. Airbag
5. Paranoid Android
6. Knifes Out
7. Karma Police
8. There, There
9. Everything In Its Right Place
10. 2 + 2 = 5
11. Sail To The Moon
Diposkan oleh
8:29 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Hayley Westenra - Odyssey (2005)
Released internationally on 8 August in New Zealand; the US version was released on 18 October and it hit the charts at #1 NZ, #10 UK
01. Prayer
02. Never Saw Blue
03. Dell'Amore Non Si Sa (Duet with Andrea Bocelli)
04. Ave Maria (Caccini)
05. Both Sides Now
06. What You Never Know (Won't Hurt You)
07. May It Be
08. Quanta Qualia
09. Bachianas Brasileiras No 5 Aria (Cantilena)
10. She Moves Through The Fair
11. I Say Grace
12. My Heart Belongs To You
Diposkan oleh
9:31 AM
Label: New Age
Hayley Westenra - Pure (2003)
Hayley Dee Westenra (born April 10, 1987) is a New Zealand soprano who has released two widely distributed albums. Her first album, Pure, reached #1 on the UK classical charts and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. Hayley is the fastest-selling debut classical artist to date.[2] In addition to her success at selling albums, she became an international star at the age of sixteen when the first of her international albums were released. As a consequence of her international success, she has performed for dignitaries of the Western World. She is also a philanthropist and donates much of her time and money to charities, such as UNICEF
Born April 10, 1987 (age 21)
Origin Christchurch, New Zealand
Genre(s) Classical, Pop, Celtic, Operatic pop
Occupation(s) Singer
Instrument(s) Vocals, Piano, Guitar
Voice type(s) Soprano
01 Pokarekare Ana
02 Never Say Goodbye
03 Who Painted The Moon Black
04 River Of Dreams
05 Benedictus
06 Hine E Hine
07 Dark Waltz
08 Amazing Grace
09 My Heart And I
10 In Trutina
11 Beat Of Your Heart
12 Across The Universe Of Time
13 Heaven
14 Wuthering Heights
Diposkan oleh
8:43 AM
Label: New Age
Wall-E - OST (2008)
1. Michael Crawford - Put On Your Sunday Clothes 1:17
2. Thomas Newman - 2815 A.D. 3:28
3. Thomas Newman - Wall-E 2:00
4. Thomas Newman - The Spaceship 1:41
5. Thomas Newman & Peter Gabriel - Eve 1:02
6. Thomas Newman - Thrust 0:41
7. Thomas Newman - Bubble Wrap 0:50
8. Louis Armstrong - La Vie En Rose 3:24
9. Thomas Newman - Eye Surgery 0:40
10. Thomas Newman - Worry Wait 1:19
11. Thomas Newman - First Date 1:19
12. Thomas Newman - Eve Retrieve 2:19
13. Thomas Newman - The Axiom 2:24
14. Thomas Newman & Bill Bernstein - BNL 0:20
15. Thomas Newman - Foreign Contaminant 2:06
16. Thomas Newman - Repair Ward 2:20
17. Thomas Newman - 72 Degrees And Sunny 3:12
18. Thomas Newman - Typing Bot 0:47
19. Thomas Newman - Septuacentennial 0:15
20. Thomas Newman - Gopher 0:40
21. Thomas Newman - Wall-E’s Pod Adventure 1:13
22. Thomas Newman and Peter Gabriel - Define Dancing 2:23
23. Thomas Newman - No Splashing No Diving 0:47
24. Thomas Newman - All That Love’s About 0:37
25. Thomas Newman - M-O 0:46
26. Thomas Newman - Directive A-113 2:05
27. Thomas Newman - Mutiny! 1:29
28. Thomas Newman - Fixing Wall-E 2:08
29. Thomas Newman - Rogue Robots 2:02
30. Thomas Newman - March Of The Gels 0:54
31. Thomas Newman - Tilt 2:00
32. Thomas Newman - The Holo-Detector 1:07
33. Thomas Newman - Hyperjump 1:04
34. Thomas Newman - Desperate Eve 0:56
35. Thomas Newman - Static 1:43
36. Michael Crawford - It Only Takes A Moment 1:07
37. Peter Gabriel - Down To Earth 5:58
38. Thomas Newman - Horizon 12.2 1:27
Diposkan oleh
8:34 AM
Label: Soundtrack
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of Smashing Pumpkins
1. Today
2. Tonight, Tonight
3. Cherub Rock
4. Galapogos
5. 1979 3:58
6. Disarm
7. Blank Page
8. Try, Try, Try
9. Soma
10. By Starlight
11. Farewell and Goodnight
Diposkan oleh
8:32 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Rockabye Baby: Lullaby Renditions of The Beatles
1. Yesterday
2. Across the Universe
3. Michelle
4. Strawberry Fields Forever
5. I'm Only Sleeping
6. Hey Jude
7. Something
8. Yellow Submarine
9. Here There and Everywhere
10. Here Comes the Sun
11. And I Love Her
12. If I Fell
Diposkan oleh
8:31 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of U2
1. Sunday bloody sunday
2. All i want is you
3. Beautiful day
4. One
5. With or without you
6. I still haven't found what i'm looking for
7. Angel of harlem
8. Where the streets have no name
9. New year's day
10. Desire
11. The sweetest thing
Diposkan oleh
8:27 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Monday, July 14, 2008
Kerispatih - Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu
Track List :
1. Ada Aku Di Sini
2. Bila Rasaku Ini Rasamu
3. Kesalahan Yang Sama
4. Maaf!!...Aku Terlalu Mencintainya
5. Demi Cinta
6. Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu
7. Terima Aku Apa Adanya
8. Masih Ada
9. Kusesali Untuk Dirimu
10. Tentang Sebuah Kisah
11. Aku Pasti Memilih
12. Kawan
Diposkan oleh
11:34 PM
Label: Indonesian Music, Pop
Pinkan Mambo - Wanita Terindah
Track List :
1. Kekasih Yang Tak Dianggap
2. Wanita Terindah
3. BCT
4. Kamulah Canduku
5. Merindunya
6. Tak Mungkin Bersatu
7. Jenuh
8. Setangkai Anggrek Bulan
9. Ratu Pesta
10. Bila Masih Ada Kesempatan
Diposkan oleh
1:17 PM
Label: Indonesian Music, Pop
Ada Band - Harmonious
Track List:
01. Armada Masa Depan
02. Baiknya
03. Musik
04. Pemain Cinta
05. Pesona Potretmu
06. Bukan Cinta Sempurna
07. Mimpi
08. Cinta Yang Sempurna
09. Hati Tunggal
10. Kuat Dahsyat
11. Suara Kecewa
Diposkan oleh
11:00 AM
1 komentar
Label: Indonesian Music, Pop
Stephen Rhodes – Perfume
A serene and sensitive composition that gently guides you towards a state of stillness and inner calm.
This music has a timeless, peaceful aura that drifts in the air, delighting the senses with its heavenly, tranquil atmosphere.
Its delicate instrumentation and leisurely sustained notes ripple over you mind effortlessly, caressing your cares away.
- Crystal Blossoms
- Crystal Fragrance
- All the Perfumes of Arabia
- Moon Aura
- Magnolia Dreams
- Flowers of Time
- Petals at your Doorster
- Moon Shadows
Size ~ 119.11 MB
Part 1
Part 2
Diposkan oleh
10:48 AM
Label: Music for Relaxation
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Mizuyo Komiya - LULLABY[2000]
Imagine lying in a slow-moving river, feeling the current flow over you. The cool water surrounds you. The sky radiates blue and and the trees whisper in the breeze. The concept of time and space no longerexists. There is only peacefulness and the soothing strains of a Japanese koto.
In Lullaby, Tokyo-born masterplayer, Mizuyo Komiya demonstrates her expertise on the 25-string koto. Traditionally a 13-stringed instrument, the 25-string koto allows an extensive range sounds that are both classical and moderinstic.
Mizuyo studied music in America, first at the highly acclaimed Berkeley Music School and then at the New England School of Music in Boston where she studied folk music and improvisational performance under Ran Blake and Hankus Netsky. Although traditionally trained on the koto by her mother, the head (Iemoto) of the Ikuta Tradition Koto School, Mizuyo's exposure to European music theory broadened her melodic perspective.
The koto is the most famous of Japanese classical instruments and the most popular. Originally conceived in China around 2200 years ago, it arrived in Japan around the mid-5'h century and was used mainly as a court instrument. The modern koto is approximately 180cm long and 35cm wide. The paulownia wood instrument is placed horizontally on the ground or on a low table and is played by plucking the strings with the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand, which are fitted with ivory attachments (tsume: "plectrum"). The left hand, in traditions after the 16th century, may alter the pitch or ornament the sound of each string by pressing or manipulating the strings on the other side of each bridge.
Mizuyo's compositions mysteriously express an unusal blend of music.
01 Path / Mizuyo Komiya
02 Furusato / Mizuyo Komiya
03 A Lullaby of Takeda(Takeda no Komoriuta) / Mizuyo Komiya
04 A Lullaby of Shimabara(Shimabara no Komoriuta) / Mizuyo Komiya
05 Beyond the Window / Mizuyo Komiya
06 A Lullaby of Itsuki(Itsuki no Komoriuta) / Mizuyo Komiya
07 Ho Ho Hotaru Koi I / Mizuyo Komiya
08 Ho Ho Hotaru Koi II / Mizuyo Komiya
09 I've Felt Little Autumn(Chiisai Aki MItsuketa) / Mizuyo Komiya
10 Hanayome Ningyo / Mizuyo Komiya
11 Furusato II / Mizuyo Komiya
12 Oyasumi / Mizuyo Komiya
Diposkan oleh
6:22 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Shamindra - Baby Massage
Baby Massage has been practised for hundreds of years in many diverse cultures to meet a variety of baby's physical and emotional needs.
Babies crave skin contact. The first sense that develops in the womb is touch and through the medium of massage you can communicate love and security to your baby as soon as he is born. Everyone has the ability to touch and soothe their infant.
Massage is simply a method to re-inforce this natural ability and to help reassure and calm your baby. Baby Massage has numerous physical and emotional benefits for your baby and can help you learn more about your baby and his behaviour. Baby Massage provides the perfect opportunity to relax, have fun and bond with your baby.
1. The Power Of Touch
2. Togetherness
3. Indian Lullaby
Size ~ 135.67 MB
Part 1
Part 2
Diposkan oleh
6:18 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Stephen Rhodes - First Love
1. Mother of Pearl 8:56
2. Fairest Child 9:46
3. Love's Child 9:17
4. Cluster of Stars 8:24
5. Adoring Moment 8:25
Diposkan oleh
6:13 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Anthony Miles - Mother & Baby[2001]
The music on this album has been specially composed to soothe and calm young babies and children. It has a repetitive element that they can quickly relate to and over time becomes a comforting vibrational sound that they associate with being with the warmth and safety of Mum or Dad.
Size ~ 134.30 MB
1. Sweet Dreams 30:25
2. Safe & Sound 29:56
Part 1
Part 2
Diposkan oleh
5:53 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Friday, July 11, 2008
Anthony Miles - Music for Children
Audio CD (June 25, 1996)
Original Release Date: June 25, 1996
Number of Discs: 1
Label: New World Music
ASIN: B000005DK1
Size ~ 99.20 MB
- Sleep of the Innocents
- Angels & Children
Diposkan oleh
10:03 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Stuart Sarah - Lullabies Children
Throughout pregnancy, Sarah and Stuart played these soft lullabies to their child whilst still in the womb and discovered that their newborn baby was comforted and soothed by the familiar tunes. A soothing blend of piano and keyboards, complemented with warm vocals, this calming CD can be used as an aid to help baby relax and slumber, ensuring that baby and family get a good nights sleep. Includes: Rock a Bye Baby, Twinkle Twinkle, Hush Little Baby, Lavender’s Blue, Sleep Baby Sleep, Greensleeves and more
1. Rock a Bye Baby 3:52
2. Bye Baby Bunting 3:31
3. Row Row Row Your Boat 3:43
4. Twinkle Twinkle 3:00
5. Hush Little Baby 4:54
6. Lavender's Blue 3:08
7. Cradle Song 4:16
8. Sleep Baby Sleep 2:12
9. Golden Slumbers 1:38
10. Greensleeves 2:31
11. Little Treasure 1:55
12. Brahms Lullaby 4:04
Diposkan oleh
8:47 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Nicolette Larson - Sleep, Baby, Sleep 1994
Audio CD (May 24, 1994)
Original Release Date: May 24, 1994
Number of Discs: 1
Label: Sony Wonder (Audio)
ASIN: B0000029FT
1. Welcome To The World
2. Oh Bear
3. Starlight, Starbright
4. Irish Lullaby
5. Barefoot Floors
6. Appalachian Lullaby
7. I Bid You Goodnight
8. Moon And Me
9. Rock-A-Bye (Mallory's Song)
10. Rocking My Baby To Sleep
11. The Moment I Saw You
Diposkan oleh
8:29 AM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Masterpieces of Dizi[Traditional Chinese Instrumental Music]
Year: 2005
Style: Traditional Chinese Instrumental Music
Country: China
Format: mp3 320 kbps
Size: 103 mb
01.Partridges Fly
02.A Trip To SuZhou
03.Happy Meeting
04.Spring Comes To Hidden Orchid
05.An Automnal Feeling Of Desolauon By The Dressing Table
06.Spring Morning On West Lake
07.Spring In Tai Lake
08.Three, Five And Seven
09.Celebrating Harvest
10.Birds In The Shade
Diposkan oleh
11:52 PM
Label: Instrumental, Music for Relaxation
maspie talking corner...
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- Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of U2
- Kerispatih - Tak Lekang Oleh Waktu
- Pinkan Mambo - Wanita Terindah
- Ada Band - Harmonious
- Stephen Rhodes – Perfume
- Mizuyo Komiya - LULLABY[2000]
- Shamindra - Baby Massage
- Stephen Rhodes - First Love
- Anthony Miles - Mother & Baby[2001]
- Anthony Miles - Music for Children
- Stuart Sarah - Lullabies Children
- Nicolette Larson - Sleep, Baby, Sleep 1994
- Masterpieces of Dizi[Traditional Chinese Instrumen...
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Song From Secret Garden by Secret Garden
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